Greetings from New Voices Team, is a task force team formed under Women and Family Memberships drive.
While promoting Women in Community Services, we are taking active roles to promote women health by disease prevention too.
Women’s health screenings are important for every woman. They can help to detect problems in earliest stages when they can be treated most effectively.
In this series, we are going to organize a talk on Cervical Cancer Elimination for Lions Members, Lions families, friends of Lions and general public.
Kindly refer to the brochure attached for detail which has included the registration QR Code and link (embedded in the picture).
Feel free to share this info to your friends and family members to benefit them. ‘Prevention is better than Cure’. Let us be angels to ourselves, families and friends.
Topic: Cervical Cancer Elimination- What must I do?
Date: 23rd Sep 2021 (Thursday)
Time: 8.00pm
Speaker: Professor Dr. Woo Yin Ling (Obstetrics & Gynaecology, UM)
Guest of Honour: District Governor Tan Teoh Teik Choon
Medium: Zoom Meeting
For enquiry and further information, kindly contact the following:
ZC Joyce Lau (as Organizing Chairperson) Mobile: 012-2876626
DC Rachel Yap – Mobile: 019-7153701

新声音行动队是由GMT- 女性及家庭会员小组所成立的一个的行动队。 我们注重于女性及家庭会员的健康与成长。同时,也协助女性提高健康意识,避免或减少女性有关的疾病, 以照福家人。
这次,我们有幸邀请到 马来西亚大学的 Dr. Woo Yin Ling 教授为我们分析与探讨如何避免及减少子宫项癌的风险。
同时,我们也欢迎你邀请你的分会, 家人,亲戚朋友及同事,一起聆听这个重要的讲座。也请把这信息传达给社会大众。让大家更了解这个高风险的疾病。‘预防胜于治疗’。让我们成为自己,家人和朋友的天使。
讲座标题: 避免子宫颈癌 – 我必须做什么?
日期: 2021 年 9 月 23 日 (星期四)
时间: 8.00pm
主讲人: 马来西亚大学妇产科教授 Woo Yin Ling 医生
贵宾: 陈张泽春总监
会议方式: 线上 (Zoom Meeting)
ZC Joyce Lau (as Organizing Chairperson) Mobile: 012-2876626
DC Rachel Yap – Mobile: 019-7153701