LCI District 308B1 Global Action Team

LCI District 308B1 Global Action Team Facebook Group

This is Lions Clubs International District 308 B1 Global Action Team which covers GST, GMT and GLT projects & activities that carried out by the District and Lions Clubs under district 308 B1, Malaysia.



Lions Eye Clinic Malaysia

Lions Eye Clinic Malaysia

c/o Mahsa University, Jalan Elmu, Off Jalan Universiti
59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel/Fax: 603-79575268
Email: [email protected]
Monday to Friday: 9.00am to 5.00pm

Please call for appointment

District 308 B1 Lions Education Foundation

District 308 B1 Lions Education Foundation

In 2010 when PCC Dato’ Yeow Wah Chin was the District Governor of District 308 B1 Malaysia, he mooted the idea to launch an education fund to help financially poor students to complete their tertiary education. Coming from a poor family himself Dato’ Yeow knows very well the challenges facing these students and the only way to move out of the vicious cycle of poverty is through a tertiary education.